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How Do Essential Oils Affect the Mind?
- Smell is the strongest link to the subconscious, and we retain memories for a very long time.
- Every time we smell something, the chemical components move through the nose and send information about what we smell to the olfactory bulb at the back of the nose.
- When inhaled, or applied to the skin in a diluted form, these components travel through the circulatory system and are carried throughout the body.
- The olfactory nerves are directly connected to the limbic system, which houses all of our sensory experiences, memories, emotions, pleasure, instincts, etc.
- The limbic system is the center for our emotions, and therefore, affects our emotional behavior.
- The most interesting part is that the olfactory response is nearly instantaneous.
- Through the use of essential oils in aromatherapy, we can affect this emotional behavior.
How Do Essential Oils Affect the Body?
- Essential oils are made up of tiny molecules that are easily absorbed when applied to the skin.
- Essential oils do not dissolve in water, but they do bind with natural body fats and oils in our skin to be absorbed, enter the lymphatic system, and circulate throughout our body in our blood.
- Many properties of essential oils can have an impact on our bodies.
- Different chemical compounds in essential oils can act by calming muscle spasms, soothing irritated skin, influencing mood, reducing bacterial infections, stimulating blood flow and releasing congestion in the lungs.